Terms of use
1. Limitation of liability
The provider is liable for the content of the website “www.vialux.de”. Despite careful monitoring of the content, ViALUX takes no liability for the correctness, completeness and timeliness of external links.
External links are the liability of the respective providers. Any utilization of this website and its content takes place at the user’s own risk. There will not be any contract agreement between the user and the provider because of using the website.
External links are the liability of the respective providers. Any utilization of this website and its content takes place at the user’s own risk. There will not be any contract agreement between the user and the provider because of using the website.
2. Links
This website may contain links to other websites (“external links”). These websites are the liability of the respective providers. At the time these external links have been connected no legal infringements were evident.
However, the provider does not have any influence on the current and future content of those linked websites. Without specific hints towards legal infringements the constant control of external links is not reasonable for the provider. In case any infringements become evident, affected links will be deleted immediately.
However, the provider does not have any influence on the current and future content of those linked websites. Without specific hints towards legal infringements the constant control of external links is not reasonable for the provider. In case any infringements become evident, affected links will be deleted immediately.
3. Copyright/ Ancillary copyright
All contents made available on this website are subject the German Copyright and Ancillary Copyright. Any utilization not approved by German Copyright and Ancillary Copyright is prohibited. A previously written agreement of the provider or respective owner is required. This includes the following circumstances: the duplication, transfer, storage, editing, translation, processing or rendering of particular or complete contents in databases or other electronical media and systems. Third-party contents and rights are marked as such. Free downloads are available for personal and private use as well as for Vialux’ customers’ use and are to be marked as copies.
4. Terms of use and copyright for marketing material from ViALUX GmbH
The terms of use describe the relationship between you and ViALUX Messtechnik + Bildverarbeitung GmbH in terms of our graphic materials, our corporate logo, our videos, product brands and product descriptions.
Graphic Material
Graphic material provided by ViALUX may only be distributed and/or published in unaltered form and used for promotional purposes for our products exclusively.
The use of this material is limited to promotion in printing and/or brochures and/or in online media and/or the internet. In every publication “Source: ViALUX” must be clearly identified in sufficiently identifiable link to the respective picture. Digitally falsifying or alienating the material is prohibited.
The right of use is limited to 24 months after permission from ViALUX. An extension of this period requires written approval from us.
Videos made available from ViALUX may only be distributed and/or published excluding any modifications and only used for promotional purposes for our products.
The right of use is on no account exclusively and is temporally limited to 24 months after permission from us. An extension of this period requires written approval from ViALUX. Copying of these videos is not allowed. Retransmission of the rights of use to third parties is subject to explicit written approval from ViALUX.
An expansion of the aforementioned rights can be authorised by ViALUX. In this situation we request a detailed description of the intended use. In any case an expansion of the rights of use requires written approval from us.
Corporate Logo
The use of the product brands BodyLux®, AutoGrid® is limited to the labelling of the respective ViALUX products. Only the given spelling is admissible. The use of ViALUX’ corporate logo is only allowed in connection with ViALUX products. The logo must be green letters on white background.
Retransmission of the rights of use to third parties is only permitted after explicit written approval from ViALUX.
Product Descriptions
ViALUX provided product descriptions, technical specifications are to be used in unaltered form and for describing ViALUX’ products only. Adjustments are subject to prior written approval from ViALUX.